Intelligent PDUs

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Intelligent PDU, also known as smart PDU, goes beyond distributing power to IT equipment within the data centre. It is capable of monitoring, managing, and controlling power consumption to multiple devices. The intelligent PDU provides data centre professionals with remote network access to real-time critical infrastructure data to help drive informed decision making to ensure maximum availability and to meet important efficiency requirements.

While there are three main types of intelligent PDUs, metered, monitored and switched, each type has a variety of additional features that can be included to increase the critical information available from the device. Some of the key features include outlet level monitoring, environmental monitoring, alerts and alarms based on user-defined thresholds, and many more. These features minimise downtime and carry manufacturer-provided support to meet Service-Level Agreements (SLAs).

SRA Solutions partners with industry leading brands to provide customers with a broad range of options, tailored to suit your needs.

Key Features
  • Metering. Whether at the unit, inlet, or outlet level, metering enables you to understand and trend power usage and capacity data to enable more accurate provisioning of resources and improved efficiency by tracking metrics like Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE).
  • Network interface cards/controllers. You can connect to and access intelligent PDUs over a network to enable remote control, power actions, and other functions critical for data center management.
  • Remote management. Some intelligent PDUs allow you to perform power actions like switching devices on or off and power cycling them from anywhere at any time.
  • Environmental sensors. Sensors attached to intelligent PDUs can collect temperature, humidity, pressure, air flow, and other data.
  • Firmware updates. You can install firmware updates with enhancements and fixes by the manufacturer to maintain smooth operations.
  • SNMP trap notifications. Alerts can be triggered based on certain conditions such as out-of-threshold temperature and load.
  • Security management. Intelligent PDUs may have contact closure and powered dry contact door locks for cabinets and containment areas. They may also offer secure access and authorisation to devices using encryption protocols, passwords, and directory services.